When you plan to buy insurance, you need to be absolutely sure of the agency you are selecting as you have to trust their agents with all the minute details. Every health insurance broker in Cafaro Insurance Agency is knowledgeable and trustworthy; you have nothing to worry about. Over the years, our agents have gained experience and understanding of what the client need and hence accordingly can suggest a policy with the optimum coverage option from our vast network of carriers that we represent. Whether is it individual life insurance, group health insurance, or Medicare supplements, at Cafaro Insurance, we provide every type of insurance policy. We are not here to just sell you any policy, we believe in providing customized solutions to your specific needs.
Below we have mentioned 3 important attributes of a good health insurance broker. Take a look.
- People skills
Being a good listener to analyze the insurance needs of the clients is a very important quality of any insurance agent. This helps in finding the right policy that matches their requirements. Also important is, great customer service after selling the insurance; a good follow-through makes the customer satisfied.
- Honesty
Honesty in a broker is very crucial because if found out that the policy was not sold in good faith, he might lose his job. Your career might be at stake as word of mouth travels fast. Whereas, being true to yourself and your client, will help you in long-term business prospects.
- Product knowledge
Apart from knowing how to sell the insurance, a broker should know the tax and the legal aspects of the policy and whether or not it can meet the specific needs of the clients. Having knowledge of the technical know-how will help them in offering from a comprehensive selection of products.
So, if you are looking for a trustworthy health insurance broker in the regions of Melville, NY, Farmingdale, Hauppauge, NY, Huntington, NY, and Smithtown, you can contact us.